lördag 22 december 2007


I really enjoy talking to you...
You make me feel great, it´s sad that we´re so far away.
Hope I can see you soon, would be great to meet you and enjoy life together

I know this is going to sound weird, but you are the closest "Perfection" I have ever seen on a guy.. Dont missunderstand me; I know that we dont know eachother that well but I really like you..

I like you a little bit to much..

PS. Dont tell anyone, It´s a secret ; )

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Manu sabes una cosa. everyday i try to implemnt logic to everything i do say or think but when i think about you, logic is useless and all im left with is just a feeling of wanting to be with you.
Te mando un besito, un abrazo, una caricia y otro beso y otro y otro y otro...